Wholehearted Loving | Simple tools that make life feel better.

Simple tools to regulate your nervous system throughout the day — and make life feel better.

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Practice handling your triggers and bringing a more embodied, fulfilling presence to your life. 


We teach simple body-based practices you can use easily during your everyday activities, growing your skills to bring greater peace to your life & relationships. Come practice with us on our weekly podcast, or join our program for live practice and coaching we're told is "like finding gold".

Georgianna Lee & Stephanie Hunter  

are experienced facilitators devoted to sharing self-compassionate tools for meaningful, tangible, long-lasting personal growth. They've helped thousands of people in their private groups and coaching practices — and they're excited to help YOU grow the loving strength you need to make the changes you want for your life & relationships. Their methods are simple and accessible:


Shift your focus with simple exercises that empower you and soothe your system.


Grow your capacity to experience the sensations of life without overwhelm.


Release old energy, build new energy, and shift into your desired state anytime, anywhere.


Create a more easeful connection with your body, and soothe or invigorate your system.


Free up space for new skills and self-compassion to fully integrate into your body.


Experience a more compassionate and peaceful view of yourself and your world.

Georgianna Lee is a family counsellor and the head coach for Rising Woman. Stephanie Hunter leads shadow work trainings and personal growth groups. Learn more at georgiannalee.com and taoofself.com.
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